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Current Standings  Signup Sheet
 to the Franz 2001 Football Pool Web Site........ Please take the time to read this page before you move on. I have added a lot of information and changed the format of the site, so read on, then take a look around.
The most important change is in the amount of information that I am making available to you. This information will obviously use up more pages, and with limited space I can't put a link to each page on every page, so I have categorized the pages in a way that I think will make navigation relatively easy.
Category 1 will have to do directly with the pool, such as a list of the current standings with the entrants names in alphabetic order to make it easy for each individual to find what his score is. Followed by a list starting from first to last place. This list makes it easier to find what the leader has, rather than trying to find him in the alphabetic list. In this category will also be a list of everyones picks, and a list of how many times each team was picked.
The second category will be the NFL pages. Here you will find the results of the games for the current week, the schedule of the games for the upcoming week, and the number of wins to date for each team.
For a printable page of the sign up sheet for this years pool please go to the Signup Sheet Page. These sheets, or a reasonable facsimile, may be placed in the shoe box at work, mailed to my home address, or emailed to me. All entries must be paid by September 8, 2001. You can pay me at work or mail a check to my home address. The entry fee remains at $25.00.
In addition to the traditional football pool I am starting a new pool that I believe a good number of you will be interested in. I am going to call it the Sudden Death Pool. It requires a bit more work, both on my part and yours, so I hope we can make it work. Here is how the pool works: Each week you must pick one team that you think will win their game. You must let me know who your pick is before game day either by phone (503-661-4490) or email ( For example, if you wish to choose a team that is playing on Thursday, you must have your selection to me by Wednesday night. Think about and choose your team carefully because once you pick a team you cannot pick that team again. If the team you chose loses you are out of the pool. The last person remaining wins the entire pot.
The cost for this pool is also $25. If you would like to get in it please have your money to me by Opening game day. Call or email me with any questions you might have. The importance of communication is obvious for this pool and I don't want any misunderstandings. I recommend you include your phone number with your payment just in case I need to contact you. I will do my best to make sure everyone gets their picks in every week, but the responsibility is yours alone. I have an answering machine in case I am not home, stamped with date and time, as well as is email.
My address is 840 S.W. Riverview Way, Troutdale, OR. 97060 if you want to mail your payment.